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Mourne Mountains

Hiking Binnian with the Cranwood Industries Team

26th April 2019 by Ryan McDonald Share

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On April 6th nine employees of Cranwood Industries (a sister company of the Murdock group) took to the challenge of hiking Slieve Binnian in aid of Mourne Mountain Rescue.

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The Murdock group had recently been touched by the hard work of the MMR in their dedication on the mountains with a tragic fatality connected with a member of the group.

The team at Cranwood industries decided to set a date to take on the mighty Binnian and raise funds for the MMR.

Setting off at 9am on a bright Saturday morning the weather was on our side – we headed up the Carrick lane and made our way to the saddle between Binnian and Slieve Lamagan. Several of the members had experience on the mountains and knew the path well, however most of the crew were first timers and were treated to amazing views as we stopped for a well-earned break at Buzzards roost. The phones came out for a quick pic, then we made our way up to the Black castles. We had another quick break here before heading on though the wall and on to the peak.

Views from the top of Binnian over Silent Valley and Annalong are amazing and all our hard work was well rewarded, but the journey was far from over as we still had to descend down by the wall where the ground can be very uneven and technical.

The thought of food at the Little Carrick café put a spring in everyone’s step as we neared the bottom and it did not disappoint. It was great to relax in the café garden with a coffee and discuss what our next mountain adventure would be now that everyone surely had the mountain bug.

Left to right, Frankie Rea, Paul Smyth, Raymond Rooney, Sean McStay, Martin Trainor, Stephen Patterson, Alannah Gorman, Padraig Magill, Ryan McDonald

Cranwood Industries were delighted to present the Mourne Mountain Rescue team with £1,000 raised by the walkers.


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